Fossil fuel

Middle East diplomatic missions of Energy and Mineral Resources ...

Fossil fuel Day from the date, in Cairo, Egypt, held a Middle East diplomatic missions of Energy and Mineral Resources Officers meeting. In addition to the diplomatic missions strategy conference on Energy and Mineral Resources] that is held annually in Tokyo since the fiscal year, we hold a meeting that target specific areas from the fiscal year, this time will be times eyes. Middle East, oil, is rich in natural resources such as gas, more than the proportion of the crude oil of which Middle Eastern countries which Japan imports, also natural gas is greater than or equal to 0, the key to a stable energy supply to Japan It is one of the region hold. In view of the importance of this, the importance of the geopolitical of the region, and from the point of view of ensuring the interests of Japanese companies on Energy and Mineral Resources, has decided to hold this area to the target this time.

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